We are here provide you with download links of Apollo TV APK so enjoy it and we also have given complete instructions to install it.
Legal Copyright Disclaimer: This technology shall only be used to stream movies or TV shows that fall under the public domain. RelaxTV.xyz does not endorse or promote illegal activity tied to streaming or downloading copyrighted works. The end-user shall be solely responsible for media accessed through any service or app referenced on this Website. Referenced applications/addons are not hosted by RelaxTV.xyz and this guide is for educational purposes only.
Apollo TV APK Changelog
Version 1.4.7
- Chromecast support added.
- A lot of bugs fixed and improvements added.
- Real debrid integration added.
- Sorting based on date and name added.
- Parity with iOS and Android.
Version 1.4.5
- Fixed subtitles issue.
- Improvements in backend development of the app.
- Network error while playing movies fixed.
- CPlayer feature.
Download Apollo TV APK
If downloading the APK prompts “This type of file can harm your device. Do you want to keep Apollo-TV-1.4.7.apk anyway?”, click OK.
In case, if it shows “Install Blocked”, click “Settings > Slide Unknown Sources > OK.
If prompt installation blocked this app contains code that attempts to bypass Android’s security protections. Click More details -> Install anyways > OK.
Version 1.4.7